In Memory

Ian Baker - Class Of 1983

Ian Baker

Ian's death has not been verified.


If you have any written information on the health or demise of Ian Baker, please email to us today.  We want verification in the form of obituary, funeral program or grave site.


Ian Baker was reported deceased on 4/1/14 by John Snell on 4/6/14.

DOB 12/06/64  not confirmed.

notified by Ian Baker on 6-13-14 that he is indeed alive and well.

On 7/28/18 - Greg Leitner reported Ian Baker died on 3/14/18 at age of 53 in Houston TX . Our  attempts to locate obituary were unsuccessful.

Martin Temple ;  9/30/2023 reported via email.  DOD 6/2023 age 58, cancer related ; wife, 2 sons, 1 daughter.  Our  attempts to locate obituary or any other verification were unsuccessful.

