Daniel "Dan" James Buerstetta

Profile Updated: July 15, 2012
Class Year: 1970
Residing In: Boise, ID USA
Occupation: retired founder of Austin Canoe andKayak
Children: Kelsey,connor
Military Service: national guard  
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BA texas state, psychology,airborne paratrooper,engineering unit 70 -76. USNG. S, taught school spring branch school district, moved to austin, sold motorcycles woods honda,owned food vending business on UT campus,founded Austin and Kayak ,renting kayaks nder congress bridge,austin. t the hyatt dock. Then moved business to north austin. Sold business 12 years later and toured pacific northwest in motorhome for 6 mo's. Moved family to Boise ID. Incredible city..river flows through town ,skiing,water and snow ,fly fishing , ountain bike trails old mining towns.... come visit.

School Story:

The time I brought candy cigarettes and mr webb( science teacher) hauled me in to mr sheltons office, announcing he caught me smoking! Whereupon I offered mr shelton one. Big laughs except for mr. Webb who turned red. Ultimately he could laughabout it and even let me join him for a plane ride in a cessna out of androu field the same airport I flew out of with scott mckeever(1970).